Labor costs.

Ainssss, workforce. That cost that costs us artisans so much to collect. That cost that, seems invisible, but it is not. That cost that we are ashamed to even acknowledge, in front of our client, that exists, what is there, and that is the almost highest cost of our product.

It took me years to recognize it, It took me a long time to want to face him. when i did it, it was like a slap, I did not expect, I didn't know that the time I invested in each product, not only in production, but in the design and packaging, poor example, was going to be such a determining factor in the final price of my products and, therefore, in my sales and in my profitability.

Y, I will not fool you, It also took me years to find someone who explained it to me in a simple and artisanal way and that I could understand.: in fact, I never found it. I signed up for a thousand trainings ( payment) and watched hundreds of video tutorials ( free) a youtube, but I couldn't fit the pieces together to understand it.

Thanks to what I learned in these trainings even without understanding it and to my experience as an artisan and CEO of a craft store during 8 years I finally managed to make all the gear.

And here I am today to tell you, from 0, how can you do it.

¡In video!

I leave you the exercise templates so you can work with them.

I am leaving you the templates with which we are going to work, although I recommend that you do them once we finish learning to calculate all the costs that influence the price of our product.

I leave you the templates in two formats:




If you don't know how to download a Canva template and save it to your Canva, here's a tutorial:

How to copy the templates to your Canva

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