Curso Aprende a hacer Pompones Perfectos

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Begin a unique experience

Yeah, ya sé. You already know how to make pompoms. You made them when you were little with those cardboard circles rolling wool non-stop. But, we didn't come here for that.
We have come to make pompoms; What do Americans call it with this powerful word?: POMPOMS.
Use the right materials, create them, Peeling and designing them is an experience that will not only help you learn how to make them but will also give you unique moments..


What do you need to do the course?

  • Lana, a small notebook or small rectangular object and good scissors. Si quieres y te apetece puedes comprar las herramientas para hacerlos en madera, disponibles en nuestra tienda online.
  • ¡Ah! And don't forget your desire to have a good time and learn to do something that will give you a lot of life in your creative world..


One thought on “Curso Aprende a hacer Pompones Perfectos

  1. Luisa María Román Olmedo says:

    Hola! Soy Luisa! Acabo de hacer el curso y esta tarde he probado a hacer mis primeros pompones, estoy encantada y super ilusionada, no me han salido nada mal para ser los primeros ☺️

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