Camp How to price your artisan products

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Este curso ha sido parte de un campamento de verano que ya finalizó. Si quieres hacerlo puedes apuntarte al CLUB y allí llo tendrás disponible para siempre 👉

Definitely, one of the worst headaches for any craftsman or, event decorator. We are fantastic at creating, in purchasing materials (even the ones we don't need 😫), about getting up every day just thinking about everything we are going to create with our hands … just with that, we are already happy. But, suddenly, A potential client comes and tells us: ?How much is this worth? ¡OMG! Tierra, tragame. On the one hand you are wanting to sell your art but, for another, since you have no idea how much to charge, You even prefer not to earn a euro in exchange for not having that bad time.

Does it sound familiar to you?

Me, and a lot. Y, do you know why it happens? Because we don't know how to put a price on what we create. We think that, how we love what we do, why charge. Our fear leads us, even, to give away our work sometimes. We have no idea where to start.

But, the giveaway will end, and let's stop exchanging our time for money, once and for all. Are you ready?

Let's go there!

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2 thoughts on “Camp How to price your artisan products

  1. Manuel Navarrete Mirror says:

    Interesting lesson

  2. Cristina Paredes Romero says:

    Hola, acabo de terminar de ver las lecciones de el campamento y lo haces super sencillo, muchas gracias por compartir tu sabiduría, ahora mismo no puedo unirme económicamente al club, espero en algún momento poder hacer hacerlo.

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